Guess where we are? Yep. Behind us is the baptismal font. Jim was baptized. Those are always the best of days. Nothing is better. They make all the referrals that are never home (aka most of this week) and empty doors worth it. I didn't realize how much I missed serving in the Carson River ward until that night. I'm grateful for the time I spent there and all the fun I am having in Hot Springs.
We spent a lot of this week helping Melinda and Tim work towards their wedding. We got permission to take time out of pday to go to the camel races at Virginia City with them! It is always an adventure with those two.
I hit my two months left mark! I'm still in shock that it's been almost a year ago that I was sent home from my mission. So much has happened so quickly. It's been a year of humility and change and healing for me.

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