Monday, March 17, 2014

Randomness: Puppies and Baby Cows: 3/17/14

First off. It's Calving Season! The baby cows are so stinking cute I want to die! They are the size of puppies but they are cows!

The biggest thing that happened this week is of a sensitive nature and the person involved would not be happy with me sharing.
But a lot of weird funny things happened too! 

It's been a pretty random wild week and a lot we have at least two puppy stories.
-The Uhligs (in response to Sister Wood tripping on a pot whole on the way to the car) told us they had a gift for us, it was pink, but hey left it at Grandmas house. The whole day we live in anticipation of what this gift could be. It was a granny walker. It was Grandma Uhligs walker. We couldn't even keep it! We did laugh though.
-We both scrunched our hair and Brother Brough called our hair haggard! Only he could get away with that.He's lucky he pushed me on the tire swing earlier.
-Someone told us that Hitler was probably doing the will of God. We did not agree.
-Hitler was brought up in another conversation.... why? I have no clue.
-We were at the Uhligs returning a vacuum and they were in the back yard. They let the hunting dogs out of their cage and they go wild and starting pooping all over. Meanwhile Dusty makes me jump on the tramp with her, then she kicked me off because she wanted Sister Wood. While they were jumping the dog with a little piece of poo attached to it's rear jumps up on the tramp, puts it's rear end down and scoots across the entire tramp. Sister wood's face was that of complete shock and disgust, Dusty kept on jumping, and the mom says ever so calmly, "Oh gross. Dusty honey. It's time to get off". 
-The next day Sister wood picks up a puppy and it pees on her. Classic.

It's been a great week. We have three new investigators and we have two service projects next week! I am so excited. Another cool story is that we hadn't seen probably my favorite person we work with, Julie, for a week or so. Then we were walking into our dinner appointment and he hear our names. We didn't recognize her at first but then she walks out to give us hugs and we squeal! She told us she normally goes at a different time and a different way to the post office, but she felt the spirit telling her to come that way so that she could see us! She is just so great and amazing. Love her!

Well, these are pictures we took driving back from Deeth/ Starr Valley. You haven't gotten a picture yet of there. There are baby cows! The pictures don't give it justice, but they captures it somewhat.

Sister Wood taking a photo

Me after we were a while down the road. The moon and everything was so cool. This was thebest I could do.

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