Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6 Months: 6/23/14

I have officially hit my six months on the mission. How insane. I feel like I just got here. I feel like I just left. A third of the way done. At the six month mark, Elders usually burn ties. I felt like I needed to burn something equivalent.

Yep! I burned a pair of nylons. They sizzled and disintegrated. It was pretty cool to watch. I would recommend it but between those and retired flag later that day we discovered Nylons don't smell too good.

Other news: It's been Six months of my mission and I am leaving my first area and first companion. I am sad to go, but I am so incredibly grateful that I have had this long. I absolutely love it here and I love the people. Everyone is a little shocked. Usually the senior companion leaves, especially if it's the trainer, but I'm glad to know a lot of prayer went into this and it's a "god thing" as Trish would say.

I was holding strong until we were at the church and Bishop with the bishopric comes up to Sister Wood and asks for the news. I was talking elsewhere. They called me over and Sister Wood had informed them I had to inform them. So I point to myself and say I'm going to Carson City. Bishop with his little mustache, golf tie, and cowboy boots starts to get all teary eyed and simply says "Sister Goldin'!" as if he couldn't believe it was true. It was only then that I began to cry. Yep. I cried. They also made me speak in church. I was blubbering the whole time, but I think I managed to say something useful. It was in a very squeaky voice, but I don't think it mattered what I said. They know how I feel. I love Wells.

As I told ward members I was going. I would get control of myself and another person would start to tear and give me a hug and I would loose it again. What I said in my talk involved 3 Nephi 17:4-5. Christ was bidding the people of the Americas goodbye because he had the lost tribes of Israel to see. It was his time to go. Then he "cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer." Christ did stay and bless the children and performed miracle. I, on the other hand, have to go. I read my favorite lyrics from "God Be With You Til We Meet Again". My favorite part is the phrase "with his sheep securely fold you". I know the people of the Wells and Ruby Valley Wards are part of God's sheep. There are many sheep, though some have strayed or have become lost. According to John 10, his sheep are those who hear his voice, he knows them, and they follow. Christ did everything for the sheep. "I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:15) He will do Anything for his sheep. He knows us and "he calleth his own sheep by name". As I looked at the congregation, I knew the names of every person there--children and adults alike. I could tell you who everyone is related to and how they are related. If this is my love for those who I've been able to serve, how much greater is God's love for us?

"I am come that they might have lifeand that they might have it more abundantly." 
-John 10:10

I hope that those I have been able to touch and help may have life more abundantly  because of something I said, or did, or even what I was.

I've been studying Henry B. Eyring's talk "Rise to Your Call". It has meant a lot to me. I'll keep this brief because I got to go, but I saw a promise fulfilled. 

"In the world to come, thousandmay call your name blessed, even more than the people you  serve here. They will be the ancestors and the descendants of those who chose eternal life because of something you said or did, or even what you were."

I was amazed. We were in the grocery store. I literally ran into this lady. It was her cart. I have no clue why but I had been looking at House air fresheners which I had no intention of buying. I was still looking at them when I exited the isle and ran into this lady's cart. I apologize and say that she can go ahead. She thanks me. Then she sees my tag and begins to weep and thanks me again. As I got talking to her she told us that by just existing, by just seeing us, we answered her prayers. She needed that hope in humanity, hope in goodness, and a visual reminder that there is a God. We helped he just by being something we "were". It slapped me in the face with how jaded I have become to the importance of my calling and what I am doing. We asked to leave her with a prayer. You would have thought we were offering water after she had been on a long walk in the desert. "Can we really do that?!?" "We can in you would like us to. If your comfortable with it we are". She began to weep again. By the end of the prayer her face was completely wet. She hugged us and thanked us multiple times. "I hope you have a great day because you sure made mine". I will never forget that lady.

I'm looking forward to my next adventure and find out all that the Lord has in store for me there--of course with a little sadness for those who I am leaving, but I know I will one day see them again. I know that this is a "God thing" and I wish the best of luck to the next sister coming here and pray that she will love the people as much or more than I have. Change is good. Change leads to growth. You may have growing pains, but growth is good. That's why I'm here.

I will be going to the Carson City zone in the Pinion Hills ward. Me and another sister who came out with Sister Wood are being double transferred in. We will see what lies in store. My new address is:

1486 Hussman Ave #D
Gardnerville, NV 89410

Random Fact: It snowed this week. I'll miss Wells weather.

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