Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mothers Day: 5/12/14

I cannot even remember what happened this week! It's all been wiped away from talking to the family last night! Everyone talks about how it's so hard to talk to your family and it just makes you want to go home. For me, well. Talking to them was just so great and fun! It felt so normal. The hard part is that I know I won't be able to do it again until Christmas and I had so much more to say and wanted to hear. Well, it's over now. Back to mission life.

So onto missionary stuff and things: It is official. We (Sister Wood and I) are staying in Wells together for another transfer. Everyone is pretty shocked. That is 6 months and a third of our mission together. It's a great thing that we love each other and this area :) The ward is pretty happy about it as wells.

Most of this week we spent doing service--house cleaning, yard help, and moving--or we were in Elko. Tuesday we had a Zone Training and we hit up Walmart afterwards. Then on Friday we had a member of the Seventy tour our mission. It was Elder Teh who spoke in General Conference. He was super nice and it was great to have hime. However, my mind was a bit preoccupied the whole time because I kknew that afterwards I was finally getting my staples removed!

I GOT MY STAPLES REMOVED! It was a happy day...the next day. The day of, I had scabby dandruff and was bleeding again. Also they ripped out chunks of hair with every staple. I whimpered like a puppy. They told Sister Wood she could do one when I got them in. The looser ones didn't hurt so bad, so I let her pull out the last one. She was excited. I got to keep all my staples and the staple remover! Now my head it doing great. I can't even find it anymore without Sister Wood. So I'm put back together and fully functioning!

Here's us at Zone Training. Sister Wood told me she would come stand by me. This is me actually yelling at her because she betrayed me to fend for myself.

Then another fun moment: We were eating at the Bates house and Lanny leans over and says "Do you wanna shoot a Blowdart?" I think over the rules... It's not a firearms and we have fifteen more minutes for dinner. So I say back "I think that is necessary" and we shot blowdarts at the wall and tried to hit the orange dot on the tape he put up. I think that is one of my favorite parts of being a missionary is people having you in their homes and random things ensuing. 

Well, great. Now it looks like all we do is mess around. I swear we do spiritual things as well. Most the time we aren't messing around, but you have to find fun along the way. And we do. 

Spiritual moment: One of the things we talked about with Elder Teh is why we were on missions. A lot of missionaries stood up and told both heart wrenching stories of disbelief turning into something miraculous and good, stories of love for the Savior, stories of overcoming so much opposition. Every time Elder Teh would say, "Yes, your story sounds familiar". Then he pulled the story in the Book of Mormon of Alma the younger and he said that when it boils down to it, our stories are all the same. The doctrines found in the church have touched our lives and we want others to have what we do. And that is the truth.

He showed us What Alma the younger had to say to his son and I think it is so beautiful because it shows the juxtaposition of the state we are in without a savior from our sins and guilt to our life with the savior and being cleansed. But also, it shows that to everything bad in the world there is an equal and greater force of good. No matter how bad the world can get, there is light; there is hope. Yes, there is darkness, but do not dwell there because there is also light. There is a joy that comes from living a life of goodness and giving and faith beyond measure and beyond explanation. I'm glad for the chance I've had to have faith in my life and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share that with others.

"Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy." -Alma 36:21

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